Farm Picture Friday #39 – Helping Hands

FPF #39

I decided to title this Farm Picture Friday, “Helping Hands”.  Tessa and her Gpa are doing work on the fence that separates the cows from the calves at weaning time.  It needs to be and will be replaced, but time was running short and the best solution was to make repairs, add a few posts and check for holes.  Tessa is holding down the bottom wire of the fence so that Gpa can add another clip to keep the fencing in place.  She is offering her “Helping Hands”.

When times get busy, hectic, or rushed, we tend to forget that a helping hand may be needed. Mom’s can be especially bad about not asking or seeking a helping hand, (trust me I know).  We want to do it all or give the appearance that we can do it all.  What this mom needs to remember is that asking for a helping hand does not show weakness or lack of ability, it shows a need.

Tessa even at the young age of four, is giving of herself with just the use of her hands.  Can we all do that?  Can we extend a hand to others in a time of need?  Can we be the “anchor” that holds someone so that they can achieve their goals?  Can we seek out a hand when times are tough and help is needed?

Many Blessings to all of you.  May you be a “Helping Hand” to others and may you seek a “Helping Hand” when the time comes.

Happy Easter,

Laurie – Country Link

This post was Linked Up with the Country Fair Blog Party

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7 comments on “Farm Picture Friday #39 – Helping Hands

  1. Melody says:

    That is WONDERFUL Laurie. We need to reach out to others and let them help and as we teach, we learn many things from them which helps us too. May you all have a blessed & Meaningful Easter!

  2. Such a special picture! It would make a wonderful canvas in sepia or b&w. You take such wonderful pictures Laurie!!!

    • Thank you Kelly and that is a great idea! I had not thought of B&W and I love sepia, so might both. I have a huge wall down the hallway to the bedrooms that needs some large pics and this may be one of them. 🙂

  3. Emily Grace says:

    Great angle. Great composition. The photo and the message and your words. Thanks for sharing.

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