My Favorite Five For October: CFBP

October Favorites: Country Fair Blog Party

Fall.  I love fall!  I love the changing of the leaves, the sights, the smells and the change in temperature.  I love having a fire in the fireplace and the smell of wood smoke in the air.  I love seeing the baby calves being born and the equipment out in the fields harvesting.  I love the fact that the KC Royals are still playing baseball!  I LOVE FALL!

I also love the changes we made and the new co-hosts that have been added to The New Country Fair Blog Party!  You did hear about the changes, right? We changed to a monthly link-up and we now have themes for each month.  October’s theme is FALL, of course, and PORK because it is National Pork Month.  (Who doesn’t love BACON!) We also have new co-hosts, (more to come on them later) who are FABULOUS!!

Now comes the part where I am to pick my favorites that have linked up so far and tell you why.  Here is where I am going to need your help. (Yup, I need some help. What can I say, it happens.)  Would you please look at my five favorites and in the comment section of this post, tell me which one should be my GRAND CHAMPION. You don’t have to have any specific reason as to why, just tell me the name of the post that you like the best.  I will then add the “votes” up and we will have a winner. Who is ready to help this tired, busy, going in two directions at once farm mama out!?

My October favorites are in no specific order.  To see all of the links in the October Blog Party, click HERE.

Wearing Grandmas Apron

Linda from Apron Strings & Other Things

Linda had such a heart warming story of the apron her children made for their Grandmother.  She proudly wore it whenever they came to visit and would even bring it with her when she traveled to their home.  Linda’s mother has passed on, but the apron is still worn and the memories of a lovely lady remain with it.

 “She loved gathering the family, cooking for us and nurturing us all. We miss her so. These are some of the memories we share together as I tie those same purple apron strings around the tiny waist of my youngest daughter, who never met her Grandma Karen.” – Linda

Of Kids and Cows

Jodi from Of Kids and Cows

Is there a meal that someone who you love loves to eat, but you do not?  Ham and beans is that meal for Gma.  Gpa loves Ham and Beans!  Gma will drag out the pressure cooker and fix it for him a few times a year.  Usually for his birthday in November.  He and the hired man are the only ones who will eat it.  When I saw this recipe only required a crock pot, I saved it!  Wow, ham and beans in the crock pot!  Gap is going to love this!

“Our past week has been a chilly one so it was time to bust out some comfort food. Ham and beans with corn bread, yum!” – Jodi

Crooked Brand Ranch

Lori from Crooked Brand Ranch

Listen.  Do you hear that?  Do you ever just stop what you are doing and listen?  Lori did and wrote a wonderful post about what all you can hear if you just stop and listen.  She hears music on her ranch in MO, just like you can if you if you stop and listen where ever you are.

“This is the music of CBR.  Close your eyes… Listen….. What does your music sound like?” – Lori

Diaries from the Dirt Road

Erin from Diaries from the Dirt Road

Confession time.  I have never, ever made a pumpkin roll or even a jelly roll.  EVER!  I love to bake and make all kids of desserts.  I love pumpkin.  Heck, I love jelly!  This is the second Pumpkin Roll I have seen on a blog this fall and I am going to try it!  Erin does a great job breaking it down and making it look so easy.

“This recipe I got from a great friend of mine. I actually went to her house a couple weeks ago to learn how to make it!! I am so blessed to have so many great cooks in my life! So here is the recipe!!” – Erin

Uptown Farms

Kate from Uptown Farms

One day I ran across a FaceBook post by Kate.  I loved it!  I shared it!  Others loved it and shared it too!  With a little (okay a lot) of encouragement, Kate started a blog.  She does not post often, but when she does, look out!  She has a way with words that amazes me.  She takes what is not always easy to explain and makes it so simple to comprehend.

“But at the end of the day I still have everything I really need – a good husband, healthy boys, and an extra 15,000 bushel of grain to dump in the backyard and walk through with my flip flops on!” – Kate

You have seen my favorites for October.  Time to check them all out and tell me which one you like the best!  Remember, you don’t have to give me a reason, just the name of the blog, blog post or the blogger will do.  When the next blog party starts on November 1st, I will tell who was chosen as my Grand Champion.  Best of luck to my all of my FAVORITES!

Don’t forget you can still participate in the October Party.  If you already linked up your three links, here is the theme for November so that you will be ready when it opens up; November: A time of Giving – Share with us your posts of Thanksgiving and Gift-giving. 

Blessings to you,

Laurie – Country Link

*Tales of a Kansas Farm Moms – October Favorites

*Dirt Road Charm – October Favorites

*High Heels & Shotgun Shells – October Favorites

*The Tip Garden – October Favorites

*This Uncharted Rhoade – October Favorites

5 comments on “My Favorite Five For October: CFBP

  1. lindsaychichester says:

    The pumpkin roll! Looks easy and delicious.

  2. J. Rhoades says:

    My vote (if I count as a vote, haha) is for Erin and her pumpkin roll! Looks amazingly delicious!

  3. […] Country LINKed – October Favorites […]

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