A Teddy Bear Tour of Our Farm

Things have been busy lately.  Really busy.  We finally finished up planting for 2013 and then haying started.  Throw in a family vacation, 4-H projects, gardening, chores and everything else and you have our lives the past few weeks.  A little crazy at times, but we would not have it any other way.

This morning is a rare one in that we are home just to be home and the kids are taking advantage of the down time.  The girls headed outside with their Teddy Bears to play on the swing set while Wyatt was practicing his archery.  From the window above the kitchen sink I can see the kids when they are on the swing set and what I saw made me grab my camera and head outside.

Teddy bear tour 1

The girls were just swinging with their Teddies and it was such a sweet moment.  I love that they can be outside by themselves to play and pretend and relax.  All because we live in the country on a farm.

After snapping this picture I headed to once again check things in the garden.  (The sweet corn is almost ready!  It needs one or two more days and then we will be enjoying corn on the cob.)  Going back to the girls I see that they are taking the Teddies on a little tour.  I quietly watched, listened and snapped pictures.  As the “tour” ended, I asked Kendall (our 6 year old) if she would share with you what she told her Teddy Bear about the farm.  She very excitedly said YES.  So, for your reading pleasure, I give you, “A Teddy Bear Tour of Our Farm”.

A Teddy Bear Tour of Our Farm

by Kendall

Teddy bear tour 2

Welcome to our farm Mrs. Moca.  Let me show you around.  First this is our cat, Gray Kitty.  Cats are on our farm so that they can catch mice.  Gray Kitty can catch birds also.

Teddy bear tour 3

Mrs. Moca my dad works on the bulldozer.  He got it from Uncle Jody.  He got the bulldozer so that he can fix things.

Teddy bear tour 4

Mrs. Moca we have to climb over the electric fence to get into our garden.  The fence is so raccoon’s won’t get in the sweet corn.  We have cabbage, sweet corn, peppers, cantaloupe, cucumbers and pumpkins.  The sweet corn is my favorite.  This is all food that my family will eat.

 Teddy bear tour 5           Teddy bear tour 6

Mrs. Moca this is our sweet corn.  We planted some last year and it was really hot, so we did not have much to eat.  This year we have lots!  Mrs. Moca this is our pepper plant.  There is lots of different kinds of peppers.  This is a green pepper plant.  We take care of our pepper plant.  So it won’t die.

Teddy bear tour 7

Mrs. Moca this is our pig pen.  Our brother has two pigs.  Their names are Butterball and Bullet.  Bullet eat’s feed.  Wyatt feeds them lots of feed so they can get big and strong.  He will sell them soon.

Teddy bear tour 8

Mrs. Moca this is our corn and bean truck.  We get to play in it.  The truck, it is fun to play in.  Sometimes mom comes in the truck with us.  We use the truck during harvest time.

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Mrs. Moca this is the end of our tour.  I hope you will come back to have another tour, soon.  Thank you for coming!

She did a great job!  She happens to already know quite a bit about the farm and farming.  I do hope that she continues to love this way of life and appreciate the fact that she does get to grow up on a farm.

Thank you for taking the time to read about her little tour.  If you would like your Teddy Bear to tour our farm, please let us know.  I am sure that Kendall would be happy to show them around.

Blessings to you and Teddy Bears,

Laurie – Country Link

2 comments on “A Teddy Bear Tour of Our Farm

  1. E G Bryant says:

    This is just such an adorable idea! Well done!

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